The Promise of Community Action

History of Community Action
Community Services in Central Texas
Our Agency
The center of all activities and different modes of delivery radiates from the Central Administrative office located in San Saba, Texas. The purpose of the Agency is to promote the reduction of poverty, the revitalization of low income communities, and the empowerment of families and individuals in the service area to achieve economic self-sufficiency and maintain personal independence.
The governing body of the Agency is the Board of Directors. The membership of the Board is selected and maintained in accordance with the Community Service Block Grant Act. One-third of the members are elected public officials; not fewer than one-third are representatives of low-income individuals and families; and the remainder of the members are officials or members of business, industry, labor, religious, law enforcement, education, or other major groups and interests in the communities served.
The officers of the Board of Directors consist of a President, First Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each officer shall hold office for a two year term and may serve consecutive terms.
The Board of Directors and administrative staff seek funding for financial and low income assistance programs from national, regional, state, and local levels in order to continue on-going programs and expand operations. These many resources are used to further the agency’s mission, giving a hand up to the low income, elderly, and underprivileged individuals in our communities. All donated funds and materials are used to support our programs. No part of the net earnings of the Agency shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or private persons.
Help low income members of your community by working with our association.
Hill Country Community Action Assn. Inc. gratefully accepts financial donations.
All financial donations make it possible to feed people by purchasing food, potentially expanding services and covering operating costs.