Energy Assistance

The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to assist income eligible households that are in danger of having their utilities turned off or are experiencing other energy-related emergencies. Household income must be below 150% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines to be eligible.

Prioritization Process is granted to households based on (1) Energy Burden, (2) Poverty Level, and (3) Presence of vulnerable household member.

The CEAP program consists of two components:
Household Crisis: Provides assistance with utility bills during extreme weather conditions and/or fuel supply shortages that have or will deplete household financial resources. Households with elderly, disabled, or children under the age of 5 are given priority.

Utility Assistance: Payments to assist low-income households to reduce their energy burden. Home Energy payments will be combined with energy conservation tips to reduce their home energy needs.

Utility Company Assistance:
ATMOS - Share The Warmth assists clients with their ATMOS gas bills during the cold months.
TXU-Energy Aid assists clients with TXU electric bills.
Reliant – CARE Program assists clients with Reliant electric bills.
Pedernales Electric Cooperative assists clients with Pedernales Electric Coop. electric bills.
Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative assists clients with Heart of Texas Electric Coop. electric bills.
Central Texas Electric Co-op assists clients with Heart of Texas Electric Coop. electric bills.

Energy Tips!


Eligibility is based on household income.

Categorical Eligibility includes:
Means Tested Veteran’s Programs :

          Dependency and indemnity compensation to parents
          Veterans of a period of war
          Surviving spouses of veterans of a period of war
          Children of veterans of a period of war


2025 Poverty Guidelines

Beginning February 3, 2020, eligibility for CEAP will be at 150% of Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.

How to apply for services:

Step 1: Please review this document and if you are applying for UTILITY ASSISTANCE or WEATHERIZATION, you will need to provide proof of citizenship and identity. Please refer to the following matrix to know what will be accepted for both citizenship and identity documentation.

TDHCA US Citizenship Identity Matrix

Step 2: Please refer to this checklist for required documents and instructions on submitting an application.

Client Checklist - 2024

Step 3: Print and complete an application for services.

Application - 2024

Application - Spanish

Step 4:  Please refer to our service location page to determine the center closest to you and application submission options.

Service Locations